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Team Phoenix is pleased to be offering a High Performance Program for athletes with potential to compete at an International level. This is the first and only program of its kind in the country. The program consists of a series of camps, at different venues where practical, throughout the year. 

The High Performance Training Program supplements normal club training and is designed to improve athlete technique, skill, fitness and strength to meet the demands of international competition. The goal is to help improve the level and standard of the athlete's ability to enable higher performance and giving them the opportunity to train with athletes of the same calibre in a positive, non competitive environment. The training regime uses a progressive approach which continues between camps, to gradually improve performance sustainably. Athletes are expected to train up to 6 days a week following a customised training program, in addition to normal club training. Athletes will initially be assessed to identify strengths and weaknesses so that appropriate drills and training can be set. The clinics include specific technique coaching to correct errors, routine training focusing on speed, sharpness, synchronisation, spatial awareness, accuracy and execution. Short education sessions covering aspects such as mental preparation, nutrition, injury prevention, recovery and the specifics of what judges look for will be offered during the course of the years program.

High Performance Program

High Performance sessions are arranged directly with athletes by Coach Vicky. 

Would you like more information about the High Performance Program?

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